Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blog Style Board

This exercise made me think back to some branding exercises we did at the agency where I used to work. If you could visualize your brand, what would it look like? Of course these were done with magazines and the client would clip out and paste on a board, but it's the same principal that I have used. What does Jilly Jack Design and more specifically this blog look like? So this is what I came up with out of materials I had on hand. It's bright, happy, clean colors, texture through materials used in the paper, ribbon and fabric used in the cards and folios. Most of all it is friendly and approachable. So that is what I'll be striving for. As far content goes, I hope to bring more of myself into the blog as well as fun info about our cards and graphic design in general.

I'd love to know how your style or brand board would look? Feel free to share!

Take care,


frauheuberg said...

love your colourful board...yeah...and the little ribbons...very graphically...and thats you...or? i like ti very much...

Eliza Lynn Tobin said...

so much color in your board to love! Where did you get all the color swatches?...those are sweet! and all the bits of colorful tape are wonderful!

Angie said...

Yeah for pantone swatches! I love your color. But it's the Hello that really pulls me in. Genuine and vibrant.

Jill said...

Thanks ladies. This was a really fun exercise. Loving the class so far!

Tina Riddell said...

Great colours! Very nicely put together!

MISS B said...

Very sweet, I think you succeeded in conveying all that and I am looking forward to reading you in the future!


Miss B

P.S. On the drop down below for blogger, I always think it's nice when you can add your url. IN general I won't leave a comment on a Blogger blog if I can't. Firefox automatically populates for you while Google account takes an extra step of free time (if that makes no sense let me know).

Jill said...

Miss B, I'll check into that. Thanks for your comments!

Anna Fernando said...

Jill, Love your board and the colors. Very vibrant. At first glance, the swatches looked like a fan.

Laura said...

I like that you used your inspiration board in your blog header... looks nice! :)

Leslie said...

Hi Jill, I like how all your graphics in this board are so clean and clear. Great colors too and yes, I love the pantone swatches and the fonts you included in the corner. I am glad you used this for your header! Looks great.

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